It was quiet on campus last Friday as students from Years 1-6 of the International Division and the Japanese Division, enjoyed their term day excursion/s, whilst the Japanese High School Division students were away on their overnight excursion.

Year 1 & 2 excursion to Elizabeth Farm / Year 1・Year 2はエリザベスファームに

In spite of the weather Year One and Year Two had a wonderful excursion to Elizabeth Farm. We got to experience what life for the MacArthur children and their family was like in Australia 200 years ago.
お天気が心配でしたが、Year 1・Year 2はエリザベス・ファームで楽しい遠足の日を過ごしました。オーストラリアの200年前のマッカーサー家が暮らしていたような生活を体験してきました。

A lot of the food they ate was grown on their property and because they had no fridges it was stored in the cool cellar under the kitchen. We got to sit around the kitchen table and identify some of the items they used for cooking. Washing clothes was done by hand using a washing board and soap; very tiring work. We got to wash some clothes, which required a lot of muscle power, and hung them up on the washing line to dry.

We also used a quill to write our names. We dipped the nib into an ink pot and had to work carefully so the ink did not smudge. The outdoor games involved playing with skittles, rolling wooden hula hoops, throwing rings on sticks and catching balls in cups.

It was an informative and educational experience. Everyone enjoyed the day.

Year 2-3 Mrs Dimakopoulos


Years 3 & 4 Excursion to the Chinese gardens / Year 3・Year 4はチャイニーズ・ガーデンへ

Year Three and Four are studying Australia’s neighbours. During the term they will learn about Australia’s Pacific neighbours and Asian Neighbours. With this in mind 53 excited children headed for China town on Friday to learn about the Chinese culture. The poor weather did not deter the children from walking through China Town learning about the food, culture, symbols and famous Chinese people who had immigrated to Australia. They then walked to the Chinese Garden of Friendship. This was a garden built with the cooperation of the Chinese city of Guangzhou. It is a beautiful tranquil garden and a place where many people come to sit in harmony with nature in the middle of a city. The students then cooled off by playing in the local park and finished the day by sketching their favourite view of the city.

It was a great time to visit China Town as the Chinese prepare to welcome the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Pig. If you were born in these years 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 this is your year. People born in the ‘Year of The Pig’ are said to have a beautiful personality and are blessed with good fortune in life.

Year 3-3 Ms Deadman

Years 5 & 6 Surf Education / Year 5・Year 6はサーフ・エデュケーション

Another wonderful day of sun, surf and smiles at South Steyne and Shelley Beach for the Stage 3 students of SJIS. The students practised their surf survival skills, learning the steps to follow if they found themselves in difficulty in the water. They also competed in teams in surf relays, running, wading and dolphin diving in the waves. It was wonderful to see their confidence in the water and them challenging them-selves. The highlight of the day is always riding the surf boards. Today they were able to use a rip as an express escalator to get out beyond the waves, paddle parallel to the beach and then catch the waves back in to shore.
Year5・Year 6の生徒たちは、素晴らしい日差しの下、シェリービーチでサーフィンを楽しみました。サーフサバイバルスキルや海で溺れそうになった時にどうしたらいいのかを学びました。サーフリレー、ランニングや波の中へドルフィンダイビングなどをチームで競いました。この日のハイライトはサーフボードに乗ることです。寄せてくる波の合間を縫い、パドルしながら岸まで無事に戻ってこれました。

Year 6-3 Mrs Simpson


High School Overnight Excursion / 中学部の生徒は修学旅行へ

For two nights Japanese High School students went on a homestay to Port Stephens, a small coastal town 200km north of Sydney, to experience the Australian outdoors. Students participated in many activities they have never previously experienced in Japan, such as horse riding, sandboarding and the famous Port Stephens dolphin cruise. The main event of the excursion was the homestay to understand and to discuss ‘Australian culture and customs’. Their host family welcomed their questions about Australians and the Australian way of life. It was a great opportunity for the students to utilise their English language skills and learn more about Australian culture. The students said they will treasure this valuable time they spent with their friends.
